
Steel Installation Billings

Steel Installation Billings

3 Key Facts About Steel Installation Billings

Steel is considered a low-carbon alloy. This makes the material able to withstand corrosion from heat and pressure. In fact all seat belts are required to be made of steel, as it is capable of withstanding collisions. Since steel comprises nearly 75% of major appliances, it is important you understand the basics of this alloy before proceeding with your steel installation billings MT. Steel is also extremely easy to recycle, making it the most globally prosperous metal. The following are 3 useful facts about steel installation Billings that will make you sound like an expert in all things metal:

  1. Different types: Contrary to popular belief, there are nearly 3,500 different grades of steel out there. The exact number is still unsure, however, the World Steel Association states that only about 75% of modern steels have been developed in the past 20 years. As research evolves, lighter and stronger steals are predicted to hit the market in the future.

  2. Recyclability and renewable energy: Nearly 69% of steel is recycled in North America each year. This is more than other recycled material such as paper, aluminum, plastic, and glass combined. It is also the material used to provide renewable energy like solar and wind power. Globally, it makes up the second largest industry after oil and gas. Lastly, the industry creates jobs for over 2 million people worldwide.

  3. Stainless steel wires rust: A huge selling point for steel is its ability to withstand most forms of corrosion. However, this metal does have circumstances where it can rust. It is important to be made aware of these in advance so that you can take preventive measures. The first circumstance occurs when you fails to clean machine electrodes and other equipment when moving welding steel to stainless. The second happens when you introduce chemicals that removed the oxide layer and prevents it from reforming. This layer prevents stainless alloys from rusting.

For more information regarding all things steel and iron installation Billings MT – contact Iron Works!

Iron Installation Montana

Iron Installation Billings Montana

4 Tips on Do It Yourself Iron Installation Montana

Iron and steel installation Montana can be difficult procedures. It is important to familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of the process so that you can maximize your results and the effectiveness of the installation. There are many common types of iron installation Montana including iron balusters, cast iron water broilers, and iron fences. The following four tips will focus on iron baluster installation and will help you on your way to favorable “do it yourself” experience:

  1. Preparation of the work area and purchase of parts: The first step when proceeding with the installation process is protecting your work area. To do this, you should cover all furniture and decor in the surrounding area. This will avoid your items getting damaged from sawdust and other debris that builds up. You can buy balusters at your local home improvement store or off Amazon. 
  2. Cut and remove old balusters: Using either a Jig or Reciprocating Saw, cut the balusters in half. Carefully remove them by slowly wiggling them around. Nails will then be worked loose in which you should use pliers to remove them. 
  3. Cut balusters: Measure and cut your new balusters about ¾ longer than the space between the tread and the handrail. Using a pencil helps to mark the length accurately. It is important to also build a jig to hold in place while you cut it. 
  4. Insert new balusters: Once cut properly, add base shoes (if you are using them) then slide the iron balusters into place. You can add the shoes using hot glue. Put a little bit of hot glue at the top end of the baluster and insert it into the railing on top. Hold down on it for about 4 seconds and then you’re done!

For more information contact us at Iron Works with all your iron installation Billings Montana inquiries!

Top 3 Safety Tips From a Welding Specialist

Top 3 Safety Tips From a Welding Specialist

Consider these three safety tips from Iron Works Construction

Welding is a craft that can result in beautiful and well-made works. However, metal is not the easiest medium for creation, occasionally resulting in injury when creators do not practice proper safety precautions. Even the most skillful welding specialist must always exercise caution when pairing metal and flame. The following three safety tips from Iron Works Construction are vital to protect oneself from harm when building with metal:

Be cautious of edges.

When working with metals, different edges may take on different textures. While some edges are raw and sharp, others may acquire burrs that easily catch on the skin. Novice ironworkers should consider wearing gloves when learning to handle metal. An experienced welding specialist may opt to work barehanded, as it offers a better feel of the materials; if this applies to you, handle the metal with a gentle grip to prevent cuts and slices.

2. Invest in proper equipment.

Welding calls for a variety of equipment, all of which contribute to the final piece of work. Protective equipment worn by the welder, such as eye protection, gloves, etc., should be frequently checked for holes, rips or breaks. Additionally, investing in proper lighting equipment is vital to successful metal work. It is best to work with natural light paired with artificial light to prevent the shine of the metal from interfering with your quality of work.

3. Don’t rush.

Good work takes time. From inception through iron installation, don’t rush! This will diminish the chance of injury, damaging your work, or making a mistake. Yourself and the client will have peace of mind knowing that all work was done properly, in an appropriate time frame.

Iron Works Construction in Billings, Montana prides itself in every piece of work accomplished. If you’re seeking a professional for ironwork, welding, iron and steel installation, and more contact Iron Works Construction.

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